My interesting school projects

Web Attacks Playground

Web app which has web vulnerabilites embedded with guides with gamification elements on how to exploit them. Goal of this app and paper is to present these vulnerabilities in a user-friendly way and enable hands-on approach how to identify them to raise awareness of these issues.

Image Annotation for Machine Learning

Image annotation tool for machine learning, capable of importing images and exporting annotations in JSON format to Google Drive. App is built in Node.js on Express framework. It uses Google API to communicate with Google Drive.

Video Annotation for Self-supervised Machine Learning

Video annotation tool for machine learning, capable of importing videos and exporting annotations in JSON format to Google Drive. App is built in Node.js on Express framework. It uses Google API to communicate with Google Drive.

Biometric Identification Using Principal Lines on a Palm

This project explores biometric identification using principal lines on human palms. The model extracts rotation-invariant region of the palm from the source image, filters the region to highlight ridges and troughs and extracts a set of 9 floats according to which nearest neighbor classification is performed.

TensorFlow Lite Android Benchmark

Set of tools to benchmark performance of TensorFlow image classification networks on Android devices. Provided Android app contains 6 popular ImageNet dataset pretrained image classification networks for mobile devices including EfficientNet, MobileNet and NASNetMobile. Included in the project are also Python scripts for preparing and embedding custom models into the Android app for on-device testing and benchmarking.

Secret ICMP Channel

Encrypts and transfers file over a secure channel using only ICMP echo request messages. Client/server application, which transfers files over a secure channel, where data is embedded inside ICMP Echo-Request/Response messages. File is encrypted using AES 128 block cypher before transferring to not be readable in plain-text. Application supports transfer over IPv4 as well as IPv6.

RSA Key Generation and Cracking

Command line tool for RSA key generation, encryption, decryption and weak key cracking. Implemented in C++ using library for manipulating with large numbers GMP.

My games


3D platformer game made with Unity Engine in C#, containing 84 pre-built levels, endless level generator and custom level creator. Player controls the ball by tilting mobile device (Android) or using arrow keys (PC). Featured are 6 different gamemodes.


2D platformer game made with Unity Engine in C#, containing 21 pre-built levels and endless level generator.


3D car game, featuring drifting mechanic, where skidding earns you points and charges your "nitro" boost meter.

Meadow Bomber

2D game where you control an indestructible car and try to destroy your enemies.